How to Make Popcorn on the Stove in 5 Minutes

作者 | 最后更新 Feb 7, 2021 | 食谱, Snacks Recipe

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I actually never thought of making this recipe, you all will have to thank my wife as she was asking me for popcorn one day in the late evening. I told her that yeah, why not I can make popcorn on a stove with a wok. She was stunned and replied, really? show me! Hence that evening I made her some milk tea flavored popcorn and because of that, I am writing down how you too can make popcorn at home on a stove, in 3 flavors!
how to make popcorn

How Popcorn are made?

Popcorn comes from dried corn kernel that expands and puffs up when heated. Popcorn in food history dated back to more than 5000 years ago. Even in the early 19th century, people are already making popcorn on stovetops but only become popular with the invention of the popcorn maker is what we always see in the cinema’s snack bar.
popcorn machine


Popcorns are actually super easy to be made at home. There is no need for any fancy equipment or the popcorn maker your saw at the cinema, here is how you can make popcorn at home and this will save you dozens of money! As dried corns are very cheap. I had made 3 flavor examples for you to see the process, you can try to make almost any sort of flavors that you prefer!

资源 :  维基百科

How to Make Popcorn at Home with a Stovetop

how to make popcorn
伊森 黄
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In this recipe, I share with you 3 flavors that you can try. But get creative! Try salted seaweed, peanut butter, or any flavors that you have in mind!
准备时间 5 minutes
烹饪时间 5 minutes
总时间 10 minutes
餐点 Snack
菜系 美式
难度 简单
份量 2



  • 4 汤匙 Dried Corn

Caramel Popcorn

  • 1 汤匙 Butter
  • 3 汤匙

Salted Parmesan Cheese Popcorn

  • 3 汤匙 Parmesan Cheese Powder (grated parmesan cheese works the same)
  • 1/2 茶匙
  • 1/2 茶匙 黑胡椒

Chocolate Popcorn

  • 5 汤匙 Sweetened Condense Milk
  • 4 汤匙 Chocolate Powder



  • With a pan/pot, gently toss corn over low heat.
  • As the corn begins to pop, keep covered to prevent the corn from popping all around.
  • Once all the corn is popped, mix with your preferred flavor.

Incorporate Flavors

  • Once the dried corn has turned into popcorn, simply mix your preferred flavors in over very low heat. Stir well and serve.




  1. Any blend of flavors is possible for popcorn – syrup, honey, salted spices, spicy paprika, etc.
  2. As for syrup flavors, just make sure the blend of flavors is really thick. Otherwise, popcorn tend to turn soft very easily.


卡路里 : 376大卡碳水化合物 : 56蛋白 : 22脂肪 : 10饱和脂肪 : 4胆固醇 : 50毫克钠 : 761毫克钾盐 : 400毫克纤维 : 7糖 : 46维生素A : 134IU维生素C : 1毫克钙 : 341毫克铁 : 1毫克
关键词 How to make Popcorn, how to make popcorn on stove top, Popcorn, popcorn butter, popcorn caramel, stovetop popcorn

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伊森 黄

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